
two students counting with their teacher


The Count All Kids Committee is a group of national, state and local children’s organizations and allies that have joined together to ensure our nation’s children are counted in the 2020 Census. Together, committee members lift up the importance of counting children in the census among the public, advocates and allies, and federal, state, and local policymakers, and identify opportunities to improve the count of children, especially young children, in 2020.

Founders Census Initiative 

Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP) is an innovative network that serves leaders in the philanthropic community working to further civic participation, with heightened attention to issues of equity and historically disenfranchised and underrepresented communities. Their Census Initiative includes a toolkit, webinars, reports and factsheets, among other materials

Georgetown Law’s Center on Poverty and Inequality

As part of Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality’s Economic Security & Opportunity Initiative, the Center produces fact sheets, FAQs, briefs, and other documents to make sure everyone understands how important an inclusive and effective 2020 Census is to economic justice and political equality.

The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials Educational Fund is a preeminent national leader in advocacy to ensure that the Census provides the most accurate portrayal possible of the Latino community and the entire population. Their “Make 20202 Census Count” campaign offers webinars, policy briefs, state fact sheets, and other resources.

View NALEO's "" campaign video. The video captures a generational story between a Latina immigrant grandmother, and a young mother and her daughter. In the story, the young mother honors her Mami’s hard work and sacrifice by making sure she participates and gets counted in Census 2020.

Statistics in Schools

Statistics in Schools (SIS) is a U.S. Census Bureau program that uses census statistics to create classroom materials for grades pre-K through 12. Teachers and subject matter experts nationwide helped develop each SIS activity to make sure it is valuable and engaging. The SIS program is available now and includes more than 200 activities and resources in a variety of subjects.